Hey folks!
With kitchen back under us (thank you again to Patti and Gwen for taking on this role!), here the changes to meals.
Meals Tokens will be going up to $25 for the weekend, due to rising costs. We have and will continue to adjust things as needed, and thank you for your understanding as the cost fluctuates. That said, we can once again split Tokens to cover only certain meals!
Weekend Meal Token: $25
Breakfast Meal Token: $10
Dinner Meal Token: $15
Meal deadline will now be one week before the event. In order to make sure we are buying what we need, we need this deadline. You do not need to Pay in Advance. We have a field in the registration form for getting meals, so you can still Pay at Door. Just please let us know. Please use register@lionerampant.com for Meal Token changes, if you have already used the form.
Purchasing a Meal Token helps us out significantly - for logistics, for game, for immersion, for organization. If you can do it, please do.
And of course scripts still, and as always, eat for free.
Tokens are live on the store. Thank you, and may you have an easy day!