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When you first arrive, head to Check-In. This is where you confirm your attendance and if needed: pay for the event, sign or hand in the yearly waiver sheet, and print out your character sheet. Scripts sign in at Central Control, which includes our waiver agreement along with where to send your NPC Exchange points. See a map of the camp HERE for check-in locations.

Players, register in advance for a faster check-in. You can pre-register and still pay at door.

Once checked in you will be assigned sleeping space, if not already assigned. Please drop off your things in a timely manner and park your car in the designated out-of-game space. Vehicles are not allowed in the play area after the game begins.

Opening Ceremonies occur around 9:30 p.m., where relevant pre-game announcements are made. This is also a time to ask any last minute questions about rules or what to expect. This is usually held in the tavern.

When “game on” is announced, the world of the Lione Rampant will come to life.

Typical Event Schedule: (approx. times)

        5:00 p.m. On-Site Open

        7:00 p.m. Check-In

9:30 p.m. Opening Ceremonies
10:00 p.m. Game on Call
2:00 a.m. (Saturday) major plot retires. Other plots may still be running


9:00 a.m. Major plot begins again
10:00 a.m. Breakfast
6:00 p.m. Dinner
2:00 a.m. (Sunday) major plot retires. Other plots may still be running


10:00 a.m. Breakfast
2:00 p.m. Game Over Call
2:15 p.m. Closing Ceremonies


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